There are several techniques to quit smoking. Listed here are the popular and more successful ones -
- Quitting "Cold Turkey" - The phrase ‘going cold turkey’ means stopping smoking immediately. It is the quitting method used by 80 to 90% of all long-term successful quitters.
- Cutting down over a length of time can be particularly difficult, as smokers may inhale longer and harder to get the nicotine they want.
- Nicotine replacement therapy involves "replacing" cigarettes with other nicotine substitutes, such as nicotine gum or a nicotine patch. The therapy helps smokers focus on breaking their psychological addiction to cigarettes and makes it easier to quit.
- Non-Nicotine Medications such as varenicline (Chantix) help you stop smoking by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Chantix do not contain nicotine and is approved as smoking cessation aid.
- Taking help of smoking-cessation support and counseling over the internet, over the phone or in person.
Apart from the above listed techniques, smokers make use of spirituality, self-help books and herbs substitutions to make their smoking cessation program a success. Altering smoking behaviors such as avoiding people, places and situation that encourage smoking also helps in quitting. Similarly, one can take help of oral substitutes such as chewing gums, carrots etc to discourage the tendency to smoke.
Most importantly, it is vital to seek help of a doctor or a dentist and support from family and peer group when you have decided to go on a smoking cessation program. Please remember that with right guidance, love of dear ones and most importantly a strong will-power quitting is really achievable.