Thursday, December 3, 2009

Online sources also offer effective stop smoking help

For a long time smoker, it’s certainly difficult to live life as a non-smoker. The withdrawal symptoms and the strong nicotine cravings can no doubt, make their life difficult; but, it’s easy to stop smoking, as there are many ways to quit smoking.

One of the ways to quit smoking is to take a suitable aid or drug that can reduce the intensity of your withdrawal symptoms. In addition, you can also join a stop smoking help program, either in your locality or online.

Online quit smoking help

While searching online for ways to quit smoking, you can come across many sources that provide stop smoking help. Depending upon your suitability, you can choose any suitable aid or drug that can help you quit, thus preventing you from the dangers of this habit.

Dangers of smoking

Smokers are at an increased risk for serious diseases like lung cancer, pneumonia, heart attack, stroke, chronic illness, and blindness in older people. Your addiction can also adversely affect the health of women and babies. If pregnant women smoke cigarettes, it can lead to miscarriages or babies being born with low birth weight.

Stop smoking help and tips

If you have made up your mind to kick this habit, we can provide you some tips that will help you stop smoking. You can find stop smoking help below:

• Always make a plan and decide a date after which you should completely stop smoking
• Be receptive to stop smoking help from whichever source it comes, be it from your family members, friends or mates
• Don’t feel shy to seek stop smoking help from a doctor or a counselor
• Join a suitable stop smoking program in your locality or online

Best ways to quit smoking

There are many ways to quit smoking. You can easily choose ways to quit smoking by consulting a doctor or a counselor who can provide you with some valuable tips and stop smoking help.

Although, there are many ways to quit smoking, it’s always helpful to heed the advice of a medical doctor or a counselor. You can easily find some quit smoking drugs on the market. One of the most popular drugs for stop smoking help is Chantix.

Chantix is an extremely popular drug that works by reducing the withdrawal symptoms as well as strong cravings for nicotine. With Chantix treatment that is prescribed for a period of 12 weeks, you can easily kick the habit.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tips for smokers to quit their habit for good

Chantix is a licensed stop smoking drug that increases your chances of kicking your habit for good. Three times more potent than will power alone, Chantix has helped thousands of smokers to quit effectively without being bogged down by severe withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, Chantix is also clinically proven to be the most effective stop smoking aid.

Apart from successful smoking cessation, Chantix provides various other additional benefits. Since almost every stop smoking treatment contains nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco, Chantix is proven to be safe because it is nicotine-free. As a result, when you use Chantix, you are not merely substituting one nicotine source for another.

While some smokers are able to quit on their own, others might need online quit smoking help successfully. Before we go to the ‘tips for smokers to quit’ it is essential that you understand that it is okay to fail many times before you actually stop smoking. You can take comfort in the fact that most smokers fail several times before they quit successfully. Your failures are not a lesson but a part of your normal journey towards becoming a non-smoker.

According to a recent report from the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 20% of male and female adults in the U.S. smoke cigarettes, while more than 80% of them light up a cigarette every day. Therefore, tips for smokers to quit will act as a basis by which smokers can prevent the urge to light up.

The tips for smokers to quit include:

• Think about quitting permanently
• Learn about the dangerous effects and health risks of smoking
• Prepare yourself physically and mentally before you quit smoking
• Cut down on numbers and change your brand
• Write down why you want to quit
• Understand that you will have to give ‘stop smoking trial’ your 100%
• Half of all smokers have managed to quit successfully, and so will you
• Get online help to quit smoking if you need

Many websites offer free Chantix consultation. Chantix is a prescription treatment and for that reason a valid prescription is required before any medication can be dispensed to you from a pharmacy. When you seek a free Chantix consultation, you will be connected to physicians who will be able to determine whether you are suitable for the Chantix treatment and provide you online help to quit smoking. The free Chantix consultation with a physician is part of the ordering process.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Use Chantix - quit smoking in 12 weeks

ChantixLife as a smoker is full of health risks and many smokers die every year due to smoking-related diseases in the US. Smokers often complain about their inability to quit smoking, even if they have a strong desire to kick the habit.

Smoking may be difficult to quit for any smoker who continues with this habit for a long time but certainly not impossible. You can quit smoking successfully with the help of any effective quit smoking aid like Chantix, which is an oral drug that helps people to quit smoking successfully. You can find many more aids out there for your quit smoking help.

Chantix treatment

Chantix treatment is generally recommended for a period of 12 weeks, during which most of the smokers are able to quit smoking successfully. However, people who are unable to quit smoking during the 12 weeks of Chantix treatment, he can be prescribed additional Chantix dosages for another 12 weeks, depending upon their suitability and toleration to Chantix side effects.

Chantix dosages

Chantix dosages are available in strengths of 0.5 mg and 1 mg tablets. You can start the Chantix treatment with a 0.5 mg dose which is to be taken once daily for 3 days and then increased to twice daily from day 4 to day 7. From day 8 onwards, you can take 1 mg dose twice daily till the end of the Chantix treatment that lasts for a period of 12 weeks.

With regular Chantix dosages, you are able to reduce your nicotine cravings as well as withdrawal symptoms effectively. Most of the patients who have taken Chantix treatment for quit smoking help have been able to quit before the end of Chantix treatment. But we recommend you to complete the Chantix treatment for a full 12 weeks even if you do not feel the desire to smoke anymore.

While taking Chantix dosages regularly during the Chantix treatment, you are likely to suffer from some undesirable side effects, which are generally well tolerated. The majority of the people who have taken Chantix treatment for quitting smoking have found the side effects to be quite tolerable.

Chantix side effects

Some of the common Chantix side effects are nausea, constipation, indigestion, flatulence, dry mouth, vomiting, stomach discomfort, headache, dizziness, sleepiness, abnormal dreams, fatigue, and changes in taste.

In some rare cases, people may report about Chantix side effects like abnormal thinking, abdominal pain, skin problems and trembling. If you experience any of these side effects during the course of your Chantix treatment, you should report to a doctor. Overall, Chantix has received rave reviews and is in high demand by people who desire to quit smoking.

order now

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Quit Smoking: With the help of useful tips

Smoking is a common habit and a difficult one to quit for majority of regular smokers. If you have been smoking for a long time and suddenly decide to quit the cold turkey way, then you are likely to suffer withdrawal symptoms and strong cravings for nicotine. But with the help of some quit smoking tips and additional help, it can be possible to increase the chances of any smoker to quit successfully.

Quitting smoking may be a difficult thing to achieve for many but certainly not impossible. Given below are some useful quit smoking tips that can help you kick the butt successfully.

Think about quitting smoking

According to the World Health Organization, Smoking has become the leading cause of premature deaths and diseases among people worldwide. It is related to many serious diseases. Taking it as a warning, many smokers want to quit smoking and search for aids or drugs that can help to kick the butt.

Serious effects of smoking

Smoking can increase your risks for conditions like diabetes, lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, and so on. These are the effects of active smoking but, passive smoking or second hand can also cause health problems for those who don't smoke. It can greatly affect pregnant women and children if they inhale second hand smoke. The recent research has shown that there is another effect of smoking called as third hand smoke. It contains all the toxins that are spread into the air after the cigarette is extinguished.

Make a plan to quit

If you have made up your mind to quit, then you should start with a plan. Prepare your mind for a life as a non-smoker. It's a well known saying that half of the battle is won in the mind. So, prepare your mind with all types of positive benefits of quitting smoking.

Quit smoking timeline

After quitting smoking, you may experience some of the instant health benefits. Your blood pressure level and pulse rate drops to normal. The temperature of your hand and feet increases to normal. These effects can be felt in a timeline of 20 minutes.

After 8 hours, oxygen level increases and carbon dioxide decreases. Within 24 hours of "quitting smoking", your chances of suffering a heart attack decreases greatly. If you continue with the quit smoking timeline, then within three months you may see changes like increased blood circulation in the body, and improved lung functioning. This continuous quit smoking timeline can produce numerous health benefits that can improve the quality of your life.

Methods for quitting smoking

There are many methods and techniques that can help you quit smoking successfully. Some of these methods include cold turkey, nicotine replacement therapies and anti-depressants such as Zyban. The success rates of quitting with the help of these methods may vary from person to person. You have one more quit smoking aid in the form of Chantix, which taken orally.

Chantix helps to reduce nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms that occur naturally after you quit smoking. Its main active ingredient is Varenicline tartrate and also contains some inactive ingredients. Chantix is a proven treatment and is generally prescribed for a period of 12 weeks. If you are unable to quit smoking successfully during this period, then the doctor may ask you to repeat the treatment after a thorough medical check up again.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ways to quit smoking

Mark Twain has said, "Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it a thousand times." One of the reasons why smokers find it difficult to kick off the habit is because of the strong nicotine addiction. It may be difficult to quit smoking cigarettes, which contain nicotine as their main ingredient, but certainly not impossible. There are many quit smoking aids out there to help you. We have listed quit smoking aids below:

1. Get counseling

Counseling is probably one of the most sought after quit smoking aids. When it becomes hard to overcome smoking, you can seek help from a counselor. There are many quit smoking aids out there that provide adequate support in smoking cessation, provided you are serious about becoming a non-smoker. Some of the counselors even provide telephone-based counseling to help you avoid common mistakes and firm up your resolve not to smoke again.

2. Seek support from your family and friends

An active support from your family members and friends can also be one of the effective ways to quit, in addition to other quit smoking aids. Your family members and friends can offer constant support and encouragement during your quit smoking program. It has helped many former smokers who felt that having a strong support system comprising of family and friends, helped them gradually wean away from smoking to make a complete break.

3. Quit smoking medicines

It’s a prescription drug that helps reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. The main active ingredient in Zyban is bupropion, which acts on chemicals in the brain that are responsible for nicotine cravings. Zyban does not contain nicotine.

It is one of the effective quit smoking aids for smokers who wish to kick their smoking habit. Champix helps in reducing withdrawal symptoms as well as the strong nicotine cravings. Free from nicotine, Chantix can however cause some undesirable side effects that are well tolerated by a majority of the people.

Quitting smoking can be easy with the help of quit smoking aids, provided you choose an effective one. We suggest you to seek the help of a counselor, get emotional support from your family and friends, and then combine these with one of the quit smoking aids like Chantix for complete smoking cessation.

4. Nicotine replacement therapy or NRT

It’s the most common method of quitting smoking. The Food and Drug Administration or the FDA has approved 5 types of nicotine replacement therapies that can be used as effective quit smoking aids for people who wish to stop smoking over the long-term. These include nicotine patches, nicotine gum, nicotine nasal spray, nicotine inhalers, and nicotine lozenges. Out of these NRTs, you should choose the one that will best fit your lifestyle and smoking pattern.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Techniques to Quit Smoking

There are several techniques to quit smoking. Listed here are the popular and more successful ones -

  • Quitting "Cold Turkey" - The phrase ‘going cold turkey’ means stopping smoking immediately. It is the quitting method used by 80 to 90% of all long-term successful quitters.
  • Cutting down over a length of time can be particularly difficult, as smokers may inhale longer and harder to get the nicotine they want.
  • Nicotine replacement therapy involves "replacing" cigarettes with other nicotine substitutes, such as nicotine gum or a nicotine patch. The therapy helps smokers focus on breaking their psychological addiction to cigarettes and makes it easier to quit.
  • Non-Nicotine Medications such as varenicline (Chantix) help you stop smoking by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Chantix do not contain nicotine and is approved as smoking cessation aid.
  • Taking help of smoking-cessation support and counseling over the internet, over the phone or in person.

Apart from the above listed techniques, smokers make use of spirituality, self-help books and herbs substitutions to make their smoking cessation program a success. Altering smoking behaviors such as avoiding people, places and situation that encourage smoking also helps in quitting. Similarly, one can take help of oral substitutes such as chewing gums, carrots etc to discourage the tendency to smoke.

Most importantly, it is vital to seek help of a doctor or a dentist and support from family and peer group when you have decided to go on a smoking cessation program. Please remember that with right guidance, love of dear ones and most importantly a strong will-power quitting is really achievable.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Smoking strongly associated with diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, pregnancy complications, and poor health. Because trying to Quit Smoking is one of the most difficult of tasks, many will simply sustain the habit. However, with determination, quit smoking help, and an extensive range of quit smoking drugs, the transition can be made easier.

Many smokers will try a number of times to quit smoking before they are actually successful. This is due to the highly addictive properties. In addition, perceived risks like weight gain, increased stress levels, and the damaging of relationships with fellow smokers, can also limit the motivation to quit, thus resulting in a lower chance of success.

The ability to quit smoking is one of the most important things you will ever acquire for a host of fundamental reasons :

  • You will extend your life span
  • Your risk for developing heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and stroke will diminish
  • Your family will no longer be forced to passive smoke
  • Your over -all health will be markedly improved
  • You will have improved senses of smell and taste
  • You will save money

You will have a better chance of success, if you enlist for quit smoking Help such as:

  • Gaining the support of family members
  • Requesting for close friends and family, who smoke- not to do so around you and not to leave cigarettes lying around
  • Identifying the kind of "quit smoking help" that your local hospital or health care center will provide
  • Consulting your doctor
  • Resisting temptation
  • Setting a new date and recommencing, upon relapse

In addition help when attempting to "quit smoking" can also be sought in the form of:

  • Group therapy: Involves attending meetings and counseling sessions with support groups
  • Hypnosis: Through the use of audio tapes or CDs that contain anti-smoking material
  • Acupuncture: An ancient Chinese art that involves pricking needles into certain body parts to stimulate nerve endings
  • Laser therapy: Working on the basis of acupuncture, low intensity lasers replace the needles
  • Quit Smoking Drug: Addresses depression and cravings that go with Quit Smoking
  • Cessation shots: serve as a medication but will work in a shorter time frame
  • Nicotine gums or patches: Release small doses of nicotine into the body
  • Non-tobacco cigarettes: Replace tobacco with other herbs
  • Herbal cures: Work to calm the mind and relax the body
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quit smoking aids

If you have made a firm resolve to quit, then you may find many quit smoking aids available on the market. There are fewer people who manage to quit smoking by going cold turkey than those who use additional aids. Others can take quit smoking aids like Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs) including nicotine gums, nicotine inhalers, nicotine lozenges, and nicotine nasal spray. All these quit smoking aids inject small doses of nicotine to the body to overcome nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

There are some non-nicotine aids as well that can help you quit. These include bupropion and Chantix. The former is marketed with a brand name, Zyban and is primarily an anti-depressant that helps to reduce withdrawal effects of smoking. However, it is less popular than Chantix, which was approved by the FDA in 2006.

Chantix contains an active ingredient, "Varenicline tartrate" that works by reducing the strong nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms among people who quit. It also reduces their desire for cigarettes slowly until they completely quit smoking. Chantix treatment is generally recommended for a period of 12 weeks. Most of the people quit smoking successfully during this period. However, those who are unable to quit can be asked to repeat the treatment for another 12 weeks by the doctor.

Chantix is a proven and safe treatment for smoking cessation. It is available in all licensed pharmacies in the US. Chantix is also available online and you can buy it from any licensed online source that provides professional services of selling prescription drugs online.