Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quit smoking aids

If you have made a firm resolve to quit, then you may find many quit smoking aids available on the market. There are fewer people who manage to quit smoking by going cold turkey than those who use additional aids. Others can take quit smoking aids like Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs) including nicotine gums, nicotine inhalers, nicotine lozenges, and nicotine nasal spray. All these quit smoking aids inject small doses of nicotine to the body to overcome nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

There are some non-nicotine aids as well that can help you quit. These include bupropion and Chantix. The former is marketed with a brand name, Zyban and is primarily an anti-depressant that helps to reduce withdrawal effects of smoking. However, it is less popular than Chantix, which was approved by the FDA in 2006.

Chantix contains an active ingredient, "Varenicline tartrate" that works by reducing the strong nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms among people who quit. It also reduces their desire for cigarettes slowly until they completely quit smoking. Chantix treatment is generally recommended for a period of 12 weeks. Most of the people quit smoking successfully during this period. However, those who are unable to quit can be asked to repeat the treatment for another 12 weeks by the doctor.

Chantix is a proven and safe treatment for smoking cessation. It is available in all licensed pharmacies in the US. Chantix is also available online and you can buy it from any licensed online source that provides professional services of selling prescription drugs online.

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